About SCoT


The simple content management tool (SCoT for short, pronounced as "Scott") is designed to be an easy-to-use content management system. It is not a content management system in the usual meaning. SCoT is no server and needs no server to be run. It simply takes text files with some specifics as an input and creates a complete set of HTML pages as an output. You will only need a text editor to write and a file manager to administrate your contents. SCoT in the command shell does the rest.


The goals in detail are:

  • The content should be created and edited fastly without the need of formatting them. No need to use a specific HTML editor, be it WYSIWYG or whatever.
  • One should be able to create the HTML pages for different environments, for example to view them from your local machine or via webserver. Place them on a DVD or on a WebServer. Beeing independent from expensive server hardware and software.
  • Headers and footers should be created only once, even without the possibility of CGI on your hosting system.
  • HTML pages should be easily created in a repeatable manner. Like being compiled.
  • One should be able to create table of contents, glossary and so on automatically.
  • Navigation should be created automatically.
  • Strictly seperating the content from its layout by using CSS.

Current Releases

Currently at work.
Released at 2006-03-06 and ready for download .

Recent Updates

mavenized SCoT ScoT is now put into Maven. The old site is replaced by the new mavenized site.
v0.3.0 released The most valuable change of this release is the generation of the navigation links. Download it.
minor changes to this web site The change log part was put from the ToDo-List into its own site. Also some changes have been made to the ToDo-List .
added a references site There is a new site containing references to SCoT using home pages.
v0.2.2 released SCoT v0.2.2 is now online for download .
ToDo-Entries priorised The ToDo-List got some more contents and each entry is now priorised.
v0.2.1 released SCoT v0.2.1 is now online for download .
detailed Overview A more detailed Overview is hosted. By now it tells you more about the goals and contains some visionary aspects. Besides there are minor changes to the ToDo-List .
ChangeLog changes Changes were made on the ToDo-List .
SCoT published on internet SCoT gets its own home page. By now it is nevermore necessary to send it by eMail or publish it on foreign home pages. ;-)