
Some of these points are well specified, others are not. Those not yet specified accuratly may later be split up to some smaller ToDos.

The given priority ranges from 1 (most important) to 5 (least important).

To Implement

Priority To Implement
1 implement the hypertext creator
2 XML data
2 JavaScript
2 forms
3 command line option that the source and destination paths may be replaced by a project name and set from the configuration
3 have every block element usable with attributes
3 automated table of content
3 automated glossary
3 automated sitemap
4 refactoring: internal (and external) links (and URLs) shall be computed automatically
4 book style creator
4 define variables for use in commandos
5 metadata for robots of search engines and so on
5 make SCoT ant Ant task
5 access control (folder based by .htaccess files)
5 implement handling creator threads in the converter
5 prevent using the style attribute (via the class attribute technique)
5 output for HTML help workshop and Java help
5 CGI, even for non-CGI target environments
5 versioning
5 exclude files by pattern (for use with CVS, SVN or the like)
5 automated navigation links with icons

To Document

Priority To Document
1 check API documentation
2 help in ./doc/help (don't forget to update readMe.txt)
3 UML diagrams
3 package relations
3 glossary
3 the example project
3 tutorial